Morocco: Advisory on Demonstration by Pensioners in Rabat (Tuesday, September 24)


On the morning of Tuesday, September 24, in Rabat, a demonstration involving hundreds of pensioners demanding an increase in pension payments is expected to take place in front of Maroc Telecom.

1. While the information we have at this time is as mentioned above, there is a possibility that related demonstrations may occur in other areas as well. Additionally, clashes between demonstrators and security authorities may arise.
2. Significant traffic congestion may occur in and around the Rabat area.
3. Japanese nationals are advised to keep the following points in mind:
(1) Always stay aware of your surroundings when going out. If you sense any suspicious situations, such as the gathering of crowds, leave the area immediately and prioritize your safety.
(2) If you unexpectedly encounter a demonstration, do not approach it or take photos or videos, and calmly leave the area as soon as possible.
(3) Follow the instructions of the police or other security authorities if given.
