Sri Lanka: Extension of Curfew (Nationwide in Sri Lanka: Until noon (12:00) on Sunday, the 22nd)

Information from the Japanese Government

• The Sri Lankan government has extended the curfew until noon (12:00) on Sunday, the 22nd.
• Please be aware that the curfew times, duration, and conditions may be subject to further changes. Stay updated with the latest information released by the Sri Lankan government.

In addition, all travelers planning to depart from or enter the country via the airport can use their travel documents, such as flight tickets and passports, as a curfew pass.

Information from the United States Government

Location: Sri Lanka

Event(s): The Government of Sri Lanka announced that the curfew has been extended until 12:00 noon today.

Actions to Take: 

·        Shelter in a safe location until the curfew is lifted.
·        Monitor local media and official government sites for updates.

·        Exercise caution if unexpectedly in the vicinity of large gatherings or protests.
·        Avoid areas of rallies or demonstrations.
·        Keep a low profile.
