Bolivia: Advisory on Protests (Road Blockades) Due to Economic Deterioration

  • The Federation of Peasant Workers of La Paz “Tupac Katari” has announced that, in response to the worsening Bolivian economy, they will conduct road blockades throughout La Paz Department, demanding the resignation of the President and Vice President. There is already information indicating that, starting from today, September 16, indefinite road blockades are taking place on key highways from La Paz City to Lake Titicaca and towards Achacachi.
  • Former President Morales has also announced that he will begin a march from Caracollo in Oruro Department to La Paz on September 17.
  • We urge everyone to stay informed and avoid areas where road blockades are taking place or where large crowds are gathering to prevent getting caught in unforeseen incidents.

1. The Federation of Peasant Workers of La Paz “Tupac Katari”

The Federation, in response to the government’s lack of effective measures against the economic downturn, is calling for the resignation of President Arce and Vice President Choquehuanca. Starting from September 16, they have begun an indefinite blockade on National Route 2 towards Lake Titicaca and National Route 16 towards Achacachi until their demands are met.

As of 2:00 p.m. on September 16, the following locations have reported road blockades:

  • The Vilaque Bridge area (route to Desaguadero-Patamanta)
  • Near the Pucarani crossing (Patamanta)
  • Achacachi (Huarina)
  • Humacha exit (Achacachi-Ancoraimes)
  • Chaguaya (Ancoraimes-Carabuco)

You can check the status of road blockades on the Bolivian Road Agency (ABC) website (

2. Former President Morales’ March

Former President Morales has announced that he will begin a protest march from Caracollo in Oruro Department to La Paz on September 17. Based on previous marches of this kind, it is expected to take approximately one week to reach La Paz.

A senior official from the Ministry of the Interior has stated that “the Bolivian police will fulfill their constitutional duties to ensure the rights to free movement, health, and labor.”

3. Protest Developments

While the current protests, including road blockades and marches, have remained relatively peaceful, there is still a possibility of sudden escalation or clashes with police. Disruptions to transportation, especially long-distance buses, are also likely.

We advise you to stay informed, avoid areas where road blockades are taking place, and steer clear of large gatherings to ensure your safety.
