China: Northeast Provinces (September Situation, Implementation of Air Raid Sirens)


• September in China tends to attract more attention to Japan and Sino-Japanese relations compared to other times of the year.
• Please be extra cautious to ensure your safety and avoid being caught up in unexpected situations due to careless remarks or actions.

1. Air Raid Sirens in Shenyang City

According to an announcement from the Shenyang city government, air raid sirens will sound for about 3 minutes starting at 9:18 AM on September 18. During this time, vehicles in designated areas will also stop and sound their horns.
For more details, see the announcement on the Shenyang City Government website:

公 告-百姓关注-沈阳市人民政府

2. Air Raid Sirens Across the Northeast Provinces

In addition to Shenyang, other cities in the three northeastern provinces may also sound air raid sirens at 9:18 AM or at other times. Please pay close attention to any announcements from local governments.

3. Commemoration Ceremony in Shenyang

The annual September 18 Memorial Ceremony at the “September 18th Historical Museum” in Shenyang, Liaoning Province, is expected to take place this year. If the ceremony is held, road access around the museum will likely be restricted.

4. Safety Precautions for Japanese Residents and Visitors to the Northeast Provinces

If you are living in or planning to visit or stay in the three northeastern provinces, please take the following precautions to ensure your safety:

• Respect local customs, be mindful of your surroundings, and exercise caution in your words and actions when interacting with Chinese people.
• Avoid going out alone at night, especially late at night, as incidents in bars are more likely.
• Even during the day, be mindful of your surroundings, avoid speaking loudly in Japanese, and refrain from drawing attention by engaging in conspicuous or provocative group behavior with other Japanese nationals.
• Stay alert to your surroundings when going out, especially in large gatherings such as public squares.
