Kenya: Advisory on Responding to Bribery Demands at Ports and Tax Measures by Authorities

  • At Jomo Kenyatta International Airport or its surroundings, there have been frequent incidents of bribery demands based on unjust inspections or money demands by fake police officers. If you are faced with any unjust demands or monetary requests from police officers, please report them immediately to the relevant authorities.
  • When bringing taxable goods into the country, ensure you carry receipts or any documentation that verifies their value to avoid complications.
  1. Recently, at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, as well as its surrounding areas and within Nairobi, there have been several reports of individuals being subjected to unjust inspections and bribery demands by what appear to be law enforcement officers (police or immigration officers). Please note that it is not permitted for law enforcement to collect fines on the spot. If you encounter any unjust demands or bribery requests, promptly report them to the authorities listed below, and also inform the consulate.


    • (Airport)
      • (1) Airport Police: 0722-738521
      • (2) Airport Immigration Office: 0799-869183 / 0757-373508
    • (Nairobi)
      • (3) Police (Emergency): 112 or 999
  2. In November 2023, the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) announced new tax measures regarding the import of personal belongings upon entry into Kenya. If you bring goods valued at more than USD 500, you may be subject to taxation by customs officials at the airport. While personal belongings are generally exempt from these taxes, souvenirs and gifts are taxable regardless of their value. Please ensure you carry receipts or documentation verifying the price of your goods to avoid any issues.

    Customs declaration forms will be distributed by airlines during your flight. If you are carrying goods that need to be declared, please fill out the form and submit it to customs officials upon arrival.

    For inquiries related to this matter, please contact the KRA at +254-20-2810000, or the KRA Contact Center at +254-20-4999999 / +254-711-099999. If you have any complaints regarding the conduct of officials, you may contact the KRA Information Center.
