Nicaragua: Crackdown on Customs Declaration Omissions upon Entry (Examples including Multiple Cameras and Mobile Phones)


Recently, there have been cases where travelers entering Nicaragua have been strictly reprimanded by Nicaraguan authorities for failing to declare multiple cameras and mobile phones at customs. Please be aware of this issue.

According to Article 578(e) of the “Central American Uniform Customs Code (RECAUCA),” which applies to Nicaragua and other Central American countries, “travelers’ luggage” is defined as follows:
“(e) One image recording device, one camera, one movie camera, one sound recording/reproduction device (etc.), one radio receiver, one television receiver, one pair of binoculars, one telescope, and one mobile phone (all of which are portable).”

If you possess any of these items in quantities exceeding the scope of “travelers’ luggage,” you are required to declare them. Additionally, these items may be subject to taxation, and according to Article 583(b) of RECAUCA, “If undeclared items are discovered during luggage inspection by customs authorities, the items will be confiscated.”

Although this regulation is not always strictly enforced, please exercise caution if you are carrying multiple cameras or mobile phones beyond normal personal use.

Undeclared items may be retained by customs authorities, and while they can be returned upon submission of the necessary documents, the process involves obtaining a permit from TELCOR (the Nicaraguan Institute of Telecommunications and Postal Services) in Managua, which can take about five days, and paying taxes amounting to 30-40% of the item’s value.

Since this procedure is complicated, time-consuming, and can incur significant costs, please be particularly careful.
