Israel: Alert on Increased West Nile Virus Cases

  • Current Situation: There has been an increase in West Nile virus cases in Israel, particularly in Tel Aviv and its surroundings. As of June 30, the Israeli Ministry of Health reported a total of 81 cases this year, with 7 fatalities. All deceased individuals with known ages were over 80 years old, and most severe cases involve people aged 65 and older. The outbreak is occurring earlier and with more cases than in previous years.
  • Transmission and Symptoms: West Nile virus is primarily transmitted by mosquitoes, especially the species that feed at night. The incubation period ranges from 3 to 15 days. About 80% of infected individuals are asymptomatic. Symptoms, if they occur, include fever, joint pain, headache, and muscle pain, and can last from 3 to 6 days. In some cases, individuals may develop a rash or swollen lymph nodes, with recovery generally occurring within a week. However, approximately 1% of infected individuals can develop severe complications such as meningitis or encephalitis, particularly in older adults and those with weakened immune systems.
  • Preventive Measures:
    • Avoid Mosquito Bites: Wear long sleeves and pants, use mosquito repellent, and employ fans to deter mosquitoes from landing on you.
    • Eliminate Standing Water: Remove or manage sources of standing water around your home, such as in vases, plant pots, tires, buckets, pet containers, and discarded bottles.
    • No Vaccines or Preventive Medications: There are no vaccines or preventive medications for West Nile virus; the only effective prevention is to avoid mosquito bites.
  • Additional Information: For more information, refer to the Israeli Ministry of Health’s page on West Nile fever: Israeli Ministry of Health – West Nile Fever

    Travelers and residents in affected areas should exercise caution and take all necessary preventive measures.
