Mozambique: Outbreak of Hemorrhagic Conjunctivitis


According to health authorities, hemorrhagic conjunctivitis is spreading in the provinces of Maputo, Inhambane, Sofala, Zambezia, Nampula, Niassa, and Cabo Delgado.

What is Hemorrhagic Conjunctivitis? It is a viral infection that begins with severe eye pain and a foreign body sensation, and presents with conjunctival (the mucous membrane covering the eyeball) redness and bleeding. Other symptoms may include swollen eyelids, eye discharge, eye puffiness, and cloudiness on the surface of the eye. It is highly contagious, mainly spreading through contact with the patient’s eye secretions via hands or objects.

Prevention Measures

  1. Wash hands frequently with soap and running water.
  2. Avoid sharing towels, pillows, and other items that may get contaminated with eye discharge or tears within the family.
  3. Avoid contact with individuals suspected of infection.


  1. Seek medical attention promptly. Relying on unproven home remedies and washing the eyes with urine or soap can worsen the infection and lead to vision problems.
  2. Appropriate treatment with symptomatic care and antibiotic eye drops to prevent secondary infections generally leads to recovery within about a week.

Precautions to Prevent Spread if Infected

  1. Avoid contact with others.
  2. Wash hands with soap and running water immediately after touching the eyes.
  3. Avoid sharing towels, pillows, and other items that may get contaminated with eye discharge or tears within the family.
  4. Bathe last in the household.

In Japan, the School Health and Safety Act requires that individuals be kept away from school until a physician confirms no risk of infection. Similarly, it is recommended to avoid going to work as much as possible.

Residents and visitors to these areas are advised to exercise caution.
