Vietnam: Alert on High-Salary Job Offers Abroad

  • There have been cases of job offers on anonymous social media sites promising high salaries in Vietnam, such as “monthly salary of 1 million yen for a call center job.” These offers often involve attempts to recruit others as well.
  • Be cautious of job offers promoting high salaries overseas, especially those encountered through the internet. Such offers may involve illegal activities and could potentially lead to involvement in crimes. Please inform and advise your family and acquaintances about these risks.
  • Working in Vietnam without appropriate work permits could result in penalties under Vietnamese laws. There have been past cases in Vietnam where special fraud groups were apprehended, illustrating the risks involved.
  • If you come across related information, please report it to the embassy or local police.
  • Additionally, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a similar alert last August regarding “high-income, short-term work” or “simple translation tasks” abroad, warning that such opportunities could lead to involvement in criminal activities as perpetrators or victims. Please be very cautious and avoid applying for such jobs to prevent becoming unintentionally involved in criminal activities.
