Morocco: Alert, Planned Demonstrations in Casablanca on August 30th


Alert: Planned Demonstration

Location: Casablanca: Near U.S Consulate

Time: Friday, August 30th at 7:00 p.m.

Though protests in Morocco are normally peaceful, these events may have large turnouts and crowds may be emotionally charged towards the conflict between Israel and Palestine, as well as the recent events in Iran. Heavy traffic and street closures could result in congestion and delays in the areas of the largest gatherings. Security services may try to prevent large gatherings, creating the potential for more dangerous situations.

Additionally, please stay clear of large crowds. Large gatherings can be unpredictable even when their intentions are peaceful.

Actions to take:

  • Avoid the area of the anticipated protests.
  • Monitor local media for updates.
  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Avoid large crowds.
  • Keep a low profile.
  • Carry proper identification.
  • Use caution when walking or driving at night.
