USA: Recent Crime Trends in New York City


1. Recent Crime Statistics: On February 6, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) released crime statistics for January 2024, indicating a continued decrease in major crime rates compared to the previous year. The statistics can be reviewed on the official NYPD website for detailed information:

NYPD Announces January 2024 Citywide Crime Statistics

2. Notable Crime Trends:

  • Robberies and Grand Larceny: There has been a slight increase in robberies and grand larceny (theft of items valued over $1,000). Recent reports highlight that organized crime groups are involved in these offenses.
  • Recent Incidents: A notable case involves a Venezuelan criminal gang operating in the Bronx. This group used stolen scooters to target individuals, particularly women walking alone, committing a series of snatch-and-grab thefts. On February 5, seven members of this gang were arrested, with evidence linking them to 62 crimes. The gang was found to be engaging in sophisticated fraud, including hacking stolen phones to access bank apps.

3. Safety Recommendations:

  • Stay Informed: Regularly check local news, the NYPD Crime Stoppers Twitter, and police announcements for updates on crime trends and safety tips.
  • Avoid Risky Situations: If a crime occurs near your home or destination, do not approach the scene. Avoid walking alone at night and refrain from using your phone while walking.
  • Prevent Theft: Follow safety guidelines shared in previous advisories, including securing personal belongings and being cautious in high-risk areas.

For further details on crime prevention and safety, please refer to the consulate’s recent advisories and updates.
