Ukraine: Increased Risk of Attack on Independence Day


We continue to advise do not travel to Ukraine due to the volatile security environment and military conflict. There is a serious risk to life.

The U.S Embassy in Ukraine issued a security alert on 21 August, assessing that there’s an increased risk of both nighttime and daytime Russian drone and missile attacks throughout Ukraine in connection with Ukraine’s Independence Day on 24 August.

If you’re in Ukraine, be aware of your surroundings, review your personal security plans and monitor media for information about changing security conditions and alerts to shelter in place. We urge you to depart if it’s safe to do so. Carefully consider the safest means and route to depart. You’re responsible for your own safety and that of your family. Follow the advice of local authorities.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is ongoing. The security situation continues to be volatile. Heavy fighting is occurring in parts of eastern and southern Ukraine. Missile strikes and attacks continue in some locations across the country, including in major cities. There have been many casualties. Foreigners have been killed and may be targeted. Large amounts of unexploded ordnance and landmines are present in conflict and post-conflict areas.

Do not enter into new surrogacy arrangements in Ukraine. To obtain a travel document for your child, you must travel to the nearest Australian Embassy or Consulate outside Ukraine at your own expense and risk. The Australian Embassy in Kyiv is temporarily operating from Warsaw, Poland.

Our ability to provide consular assistance in Ukraine is severely limited. The Australian Government will not be able to evacuate you from Ukraine. If you have significant concerns for your welfare or that of another Australian, contact the Consular Emergency Centre on 1300 555 135 in Australia or +61 2 6261 3305 outside Australia.

We continue to advise:

Do not travel to Ukraine due to the volatile security environment and military conflict.
