South Korea: Civil Defense Drill


• According to the Ministry of the Interior and Safety of South Korea, a nationwide civil defense drill in preparation for an air raid is scheduled to take place on August 22, 2024, from 2:00 PM for 20 minutes, excluding some regions in South Korea.
• During the drill, sirens and other alerts may sound.
• If an alarm is issued, it is necessary to evacuate to a civil defense shelter or a safe underground area. Japanese residents in South Korea are advised to remain calm and act accordingly. (Civil defense shelters can be checked via Kakao, NAVER, etc.)
• Additionally, vehicle movement on certain sections of major roads will be restricted during the drill period. Drivers should follow police instructions.

Ministry of the Interior and Safety Website (in Korean):

행정안전부 홈페이지에 오신것을 환영합니다.
