Kuwait: Safety Information – Ongoing Risk Level (Updated)


Risk Level:

• Nationwide: Level 1: Exercise Caution (Ongoing)

Key Points:

• Terrorism Risk: There is a risk of terrorism from extremist groups such as ISIL and individuals influenced by extremist ideologies. Remain cautious to avoid being involved in unforeseen situations.


1. Overview:
• (1) Extremist Islamic groups, including ISIL, which operates in Syria and Iraq, are believed to be involved in terrorist activities worldwide. Kuwait, being in a region neighboring Iraq, should be particularly aware of the potential risk.
• (2) In June 2015, a suicide bombing occurred at a Shia mosque in central Kuwait City, resulting in 26 deaths and 227 injuries. The attack was claimed by a group identifying itself as “ISIL Najd Province.”
• (3) Since then, Kuwaiti security forces have heightened vigilance against terrorism. Although no terrorist incidents have occurred in Kuwait since then, there have been arrests of individuals planning attacks, such as three Tunisians in January 2024 for plotting against Shia worship facilities, a Kuwaiti in April for planning an attack on a U.S. military base, and a Kuwaiti in July for joining an extremist group. The possibility of future attacks by extremist organizations or those influenced by extremist ideologies cannot be ruled out.
• (4) There have been no confirmed terrorist attacks targeting Japanese nationals or interests directly in Kuwait. However, terrorism affecting Japanese nationals is not limited to countries with travel warnings like Syria or Afghanistan. Recent years have seen lone-wolf attacks and terrorism targeting soft targets like restaurants, shopping malls, and public transportation worldwide. It is difficult to prevent such incidents in advance. Be aware that terrorism can occur anywhere and Japanese nationals can be targets. Stay informed through sources like the “Tabi-Reji,” overseas safety websites, and news, and take appropriate and sufficient safety measures.
• (5) General crime, including armed robbery, vehicle theft, drug-related crimes, and sexual offenses, has been reported in some areas.
2. Regional Situation:
• Nationwide: Level 1: Exercise Caution (Ongoing)
• (1) In areas like Taima and Sulaybiya, demonstrations by stateless persons (“Bidoon”) demanding better treatment, as well as political rallies and demonstrations in Irada Square in front of the Kuwaiti Parliament, are frequent. Avoid these areas to minimize the risk of getting involved in troubles.
• (2) In addition to the above areas, Khaitan, Jleeb Al-Shiyukh, and Mahboula also report higher incidences of armed robbery, vehicle theft, and drug-related crimes compared to other areas. Extra caution is required in these areas.
• (3) In crowded areas like city streets and shopping malls, thefts such as car theft and vehicle break-ins, as well as minor incidents of assault, are reported. There have also been cases of abductions targeting Asian and African women for sexual crimes. Avoid provocative clothing and walking alone at night to reduce the risk of such crimes.
3. Advice for Staying in Kuwait:
• For those traveling to or currently staying in Kuwait, follow the guidelines below and avoid risks. Obtain updated information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Japanese Embassy in Kuwait, and local authorities.
• (1) Fridays are a day for Islamic communal prayers, which may be used for political speeches or demonstrations that can escalate into large or violent events. Avoid approaching religious or government facilities during these times to avoid potential attacks or disturbances.
• (2) When visiting places that are potential terrorist targets (shopping malls, government/military/police facilities, religious sites), be aware of your surroundings. If you notice suspicious activity, leave the area promptly to ensure your safety.
• (3) Drug abuse among the youth has become a serious issue, with increasing arrests for drug use and seizures. Drug-related violence, theft, and traffic accidents are also frequent. Avoid involvement in such incidents. While firearm possession is generally prohibited, be cautious as violent crimes involving firearms do occur.
• (4) Reckless driving, including ignoring traffic signals, improper signaling during turns or lane changes, aggressive merging, use of mobile phones while driving, and significant speeding, is common. Traffic manners are poor, with unfamiliar rules like roundabouts requiring extra caution. Always be aware of your surroundings while driving, and use seat belts for safety.
• (5) Photography is prohibited around palaces, oil facilities, communication facilities, government buildings, embassies, military facilities, airports, and ports. Drone use is also illegal without permission. Avoid attempting to photograph women without consent, as this could lead to significant trouble.
• (6) Alcohol is completely banned. Both the production and sale of alcohol, as well as drinking and bringing alcohol into the country, are illegal. There have been cases where Japanese nationals were arrested for bringing alcohol into Kuwait, so exercise extreme caution.
• (7) When traveling abroad, inform family, friends, and your workplace of your itinerary and contact information for safety.
